The following conventions will be used to indicate how Çomyopregi words should be inflected. Nouns or adjectives with vocalic stems, and verbs of classes II, III, IV, and V are considered to be regular and have predictable forms unless otherwise noted, so only the typical citation form (either nominative singular, or the first principal part) will be given. For class VI verbs, they will be followed by the Roman numeral VI in parentheses. Words marked with an asterisk direct you to refer to the section on irregular declensions and conjugations. In all other cases the noun or adjective will be followed (in parentheses) by the genitive singular, and verbs (such as class I) will be followed by the second and third principal parts; deponent verbs will be given with the perfect participle passive. Other grammatical comments (such as if a verb governs the dative) are indicated in parentheses. Partitive adjectives are indicated as part. in parentheses.
As of right now, this wordlist isn't especially well organized (in fact, I just realized I forgot the prepositional particles). I'm working on improving it, and eventually adding etymologies.
Finally, I apologize for the overabundance of botanical terms.
alder: olu
alive: guívo
all (of): panto (partitive)
allow: líquem (loyqua, lichto)
angry: ghremo
ant: morui
apple: abelo
arm: armo
arrive: guimem (guoma, guinto)
ash (tree): osci
aspen: aspa
autumn: osón
back: orso
barley: varo (varesos)
be: esmi*, veum*
bean: bava
bear: irço
bear: verem (vora, virto)
beard: varda
beautiful: celyo
beech: vágo
begin: ceyám
bent: urno
big: mego
birch: veragyón
bird: avi
bitter: vidro
black: vlego
blackberry: moro
blackbird: mesola
blade (of grass): púro
blind: cayco
blue: slívo
body: crepo (crepesos)
bone: osti
both: ambó
bowels: gheranós (used in plural)
brain: bremyo
brambles: stornu
branch: osto
breathe: fnevem (fnova, fnuto)
bright: leuco
bring: verem (vora, virto); traghem (trogha, tráşto)
broad: ioru
brown: vrúno
bull: tauro
but: á
can, be able: potim (potica, posso)
carry: verem (vora, virto); traghem (trogha, tráşto)
cat: cato
cedar: cedro
chair: stólo
cherry: cirno
chest (of the body): peşo
city: urbi
coarse: vosto
cold: srígo, gelu
come: guimem (guoma, guinto)
continue: sequomor (sochto)
cool: srígollo
cow: guó*
crawl: serpem (sorpa, srifto)
create: querem (quora, quirto)
creep: serpem (sorpa, srifto)
crooked: urno
cup, glass: coluci
dark: ando, scotu
deep: deuvo
deer: ceru
dense: puşo
desire: cámo; cámám
die: morimor (morito)
distribute: vagem (voga, váşto)
divide: dím (doyla, díto)
do: agem (oga, áşto)
dog: cuni
door: dhuira
draw (a liquid): ducám
drink: pínem (pibya, póto)*
dry: şero
duck: éti
dull: otuso
eagle: aquila
eel: angui
ear: úchi
earth: çemya
east: aucho
eat: edem (oda, ésso)
egg: úyo
eight: oştó
either: ul
elbow: bághu
elm: elmo
empty: covilo
evening: uispero
exchange: dapem, dopa, dáfto
exist: veum*
eye: oqui
fall: cáydem (cáyssa, cáysso)
fall (autumn): osón
false: fasso, inuéro
fast: ócu
feel: sentim
(a) few (of): paucho (partitive)
fine: snúdho
finger: pégro
fire: eyni, pávir (púros)*
fish: písci
five: penquo
flax: líno
flea: plúco
flee: viogem (vúga, vuşto)
flesh: ménso
flow: pliocem (plúca, pluşto)
flower: ando (andesos)
follow: essequámor (essequáto)
foot: podi
forest: busco, cayto
four: quitur*
fox: ulpa
full: pléno
get: nemem (noma, nato)
girl: maghu
give: dó
goat: ghaydo
glory: glorya
go: ími*; guám (gegua, guáto)
God: Dyeu*
grain: yevo
grass: colamo, colmo
great: magho
green: ríonyo
grey: salu
(a) hair: coma; hair(s): comás
hairy: comoto
hand: yesto
hard: caleto
harm: volum (volua, voluto)
hate: odim
have: gavém
hawthorn: caghón
he: ci
hear: cuchim
heavy: guádhu
hero: hero
high: oradhu
hip: coşa
holly: collo
hope: ayscem (aysca, ayço; with dat.)
horse: ecu
hot: caydu
house: domu
how: quové
hundred: çinto
I: ío
in order that: proti
it: to
jaw: nyadho
join: íogem (yúga, yuşto)
joint: quosso
juniper: yoyno
keep: seghém
kidney: nevro
kill: moripém (moripeya, moripíto)
king: regi
knee: genu
kneel (be kneeling): genimor
kneel down: genném
knife: cullo
know: nyóm (geyna, nyóo)
language: pregi
large: mego
laurel: lauro
lay (something down): dhém (dedha, dhéto)
lead: diocem (dúca, duşto)
leaf: volyo
leave: guám (gegua, guáto)
leek: cremo
left: layu
leg: commo
let: líquem (loyqua, lichto)
lie (position): leghimor
lie down: leyném
life: guíta
light: luşti
light (pale): cáno, leuco
light (weight): levi
lion: levón
lip: lebya
listen: cliochém (with dat.)
live: guívém
liver: yequir
log: fénu
loins: londu
long: llongu
look (at): dercem (dorca, drişto; with dat.)
loud: maghoşto
louse: lúchi
love: leuva; leuvém
low: budho
make: querem (quora, quirto)
man: uíro
many (of): milto (partitive)
marrow: mosco
mix: míscem (moysca, miço)
moon: luna
moss: máro
mountain: monti
mouse: múchi
mouth: ósi
mushroom: sumbo
my: -min
name: noma (nominos)
narrow: stenu
navel: novo
need: devem (dova, duto)
neither: nul
new: novo
nine: neva (neunos)*
nobleman: atalyo
nor: nul
north: nirto
nose: nási
not: ne
o: o
oak: aygo
old: seni, yároto (used esp. of people)
one: oyno
one: monu
or: ul
our: -nos
pale: cáno
palm (of hand): lopa
part: arro, questi
permit: líquem (loyqua, lichto)
piece: arro, questi
pig: suyna
pine: pínu
poplar: pyelo
poppy: máco
put (down): dhém (dedha, dhéto)
quiet: silo
ram: vugo
rapid: ócu
read: legém
receive: nemem (noma, nato)
red: rúdho
reed: creuti, resci
remain: menám
right (not left): deşo
root: vrádo
rough: saucho, ingolo
run: rénum
rye: vruyo
salmon: laşo
salt: sáli
salty: sálinyo
say: soçem (socha, socito)
sea: mori
see: oquém (oqueya, oquíto)
separate: dím (doyla, díto)
seven: sefta (seftinos)*
shallow: vado
share: vagem (voga, váşto)
sharp: acri
she: ci
sheep: ovi
shine: scínem (scoyna, scinto)
ship: náu*
short (height): budho
short (length): breghu
shoulder: omso
silver: argato
sit: sedémor
sit down: senném
six: suiş*
skull: lovo
sky: &oacure;rano
slow: stirgo
small: meyu, mínu
smell: vragám
smooth: golo
snake: oghui
soft: bláco
sour: súro
south: suno
sparrow: speru, sferu
sparse: ráro
speak: pregem (proga, préşto)
spider: aranya
spring: uisna
stand: stám (sesta, státo)
stand up: staném
stop: pauchem (púcha, pusto)
story: uiquo (uiquesos)
straight: réşto
strength: belutyón
strong: belu, bolyo
summer: sméro
sun: suyli
sweet: suádu
swift: ócu
swim: snám (sesna, snáto)
take: capem (copa, cáfto)
tall: oradhu
taste: giochem (gúcha, gusto)
ten: deca (decinos)*
that: to, yo
that many, that much: totyo
the: sa, oy
then: tondo
thence: téret
there: tér
these: oytós
they: cís, tós
thick (not thin): tegu
thick (dense): puşo
thin: tenu
think: menim
this: oyto
thither: téra
those: tós
thou: tú
thousand: ghello
three: trís
throat: grongo
thrush: trosto
thus, that way: tové
thy: -tin
toad: uirdu
tongue: dingu
tooth: denti
touch: tágim
trade (verb): dapem, dopa, dáfto
tree: deru
true: uéro
try: conámor (conáto)
turtle: ghelu
twenty: uícati
two: duó*
very: blé
village: uíço
villager: uíçón
walk: uadhem (uodha, uásso)
want: uilem (uola, ulto); cámám
warm: celno, çermo
wash: níguem (noygua, nişto)
wasp: uspa
water: uoda
we: nós
weak: méti
west: uisto
wet: vlícu
what: quo, yo
when: quondo
whence: quéret
where: quér
which: quo, yo
white: alvo
whither: quéra
who: qui, yo
why: pro quóy
wide: ioru
will: uilem (uola, ulto)
wine: víno
winter: yémo
wish: uilem (uola, ulto)
wolf: ulquo
woman: guena
womb: guilva
worm: urmi
wrist: vrişti
write: iscríbem (iscripsa, iscrifto)
year: yáro
yellow: badyo
you: yú (polite), uós (plural)
young: yuva (yúnos)
your: -us, -vos)
zero: zéro
Reguándóy domum