"God" | "cow" | "ship" | "fire" | |
Nom. | Dyeu | guó | náu | pávir |
Gen. | Dívos | guovos | návos | púros |
Dat. | Díví | guoví | náví | púrí |
Acc. | Díva | guova | náva | púra |
Ins. | Dív | guov | náv | púr |
Loc. | Dívi | guovi | návi | púri |
Nom. | Díves | guoves | náves | púres |
Gen. | Dívom | guovom | návom | púrom |
Dat. | Dyeuvyo | guóvyo | náuvyo | púrvyo |
Acc. | Dívas | guovas | návas | púras |
Ins. | Dyeuvi | guóvi | náuvi | púrvi |
Loc. | Dyeuchu | guóchu | náuchu | púrru |
"two" | "four" | "six" | "seven" | |
Nom. | duó | quitur | suiş | sefta |
Gen. | duó | quitros | suişos | seftinos |
Dat. | duó | quitrí | suişí | seftiní |
Acc. | duó | quitra | suişa | seftina |
Ins. | duó | quiturvi | suişé | seftiné |
Loc. | duó | quituri | suişi | seftini |
Like duó are declined oştó and ambó, "both". Like sefta are declined neva and deca; for the most part, they follow the declension of singular n-stem nouns. The number trí is declined like the plural of an i-stem. Other numerals are declined as you would expect from their endings. Remember that whether a numeral uses singular or plural case forms (unless it is singular oyno, "one") it is always regarded as plural.
Indicative | Subjunctive | Imperative | |
Present | esmi ('smi) essi ('ssi) esti ('sti) esmo ('smo) esti ('sti) sonti |
sim sis sit simo siti sin |
es esti |
Impf. | esam ('sam) esas ('sas) esat ('sat) esamo ('samo) esati ('sati) esan ('san) |
sivum sivus sivut sivumo sivuti sivun |
Fut. | esim ('sim) esis ('sis) esit ('sit) esimo ('simo) esiti ('siti) esin ('sin) |
estot sontot |
Pf. | uosa uosas uose uosame uosate uosan |
uosoya uosoyas uosoye uosoyame uosoyate uosoyan |
Plpf. | uossa uossas uosse uossame uossate uossan |
uosoyesa uosoyesas uosoyese uosoyesame uosoyesate uosoyesan |
FPf. | esya ('sya) esyas ('syas) esi ('si) esyame ('syame) esyate ('syate) esyan ('syan) |
Gerunds | sondo, esyondo, salyo | ||
Participles | sonti, esyonti, suo |
Remember that in some of its forms, the initial e- can be dropped if the preceding word ends in a vowel. (When this happens, the future indicative becomes identical to the present subjunctive.) Similarly, unlike other verbs which take the separate particle ne to indicate negation, esmi simply prefixes n- in those forms that drop initial e-. Thus the negative forms are nesmi, nessi, etc. (but ne uosa, etc.)
Indicative | Subjunctive | Imperative | |
Present | veum veus veut veumo veuti veun |
vuym vuys vuyt vuymo vuyti vuyn |
veu veuti |
Impf. | vevum vevus vevut vevumo vevuti vevun |
vuívum vuívus vuívut vuívumo vuívuti vuívun |
Fut. | vusim vusis vusit vusimo vusiti vusin |
viotot viontot |
Pf. | bevua bevuas bevui bevuame bevuate bevuan |
vuya vuyas vuye vuyame vuyate vuyan |
Plpf. | bevuisa bevuisas bevuise bevuisame bevuisate bevuisan |
vuyesa vuyesas vuyese vuyesame vuyesate vuyesan |
FPf. | vusya vusyas vusi vusyame vusyate vusyan |
Gerunds | viondo, vusyondo, violyo | ||
Participles | vionti, vusyonti, veuvo |
...and here is ími, "go," another common irregular verb, which also is active-only.
Indicative | Subjunctive | Imperative | |
Present | ím ís ít ímo íti yonti |
ívum ívus ívut ívumo ívuti ívun |
í íte |
Impf. | ím ívus ívut ívumo ívuti ívun |
撝vum 撝vus 撝vut 撝vumo 撝vuti 撝vun |
Fut. | ísim ísis ísit ísimo ísiti ísin |
ítot yontot |
Pf. | yoya yoyas yoye yoyame yoyate yoyan |
撝ya 撝yas 撝ye 撝yame 撝yate 撝yan |
Plpf. | yoyesa yoyesas yoyese yoyesame yoyesate yoyesan |
撝yesa 撝yesas 撝yese 撝yesame 撝yesate 撝yesan |
FPf. | ísya ísyas ísi ísyame ísyate ísyan |
Gerunds | yondo, ísyondo, ílyo | ||
Participles | yonti, ísyonti, ívo |
Below are the active-voice forms of the verb pínem, "to drink". Unlike the preceding verbs, it does actually have passive forms, but they are all formed regularly ? either from the participial stem in the perfective tenses, or by replacing the active endings of the corresponding forms with the passive endings for in the other passive forms (e.g., pínem pínomor, póyoym póyoymor).
Indicative | Subjunctive | Imperative | |
Present | pínem pínes pínet pínemo píneti pínen |
póyoym póyoys póyoyt póyoymo póyoyti póyoyn |
póy píte |
Impf. | pínevum pínevus pínevut pínevumo pínevuti pínevun |
póyoyvum póyoyvus póyoyvut póyoyvumo póyoyvuti póyoyvun |
Fut. | pínesim pínesis pínesit pínesimo pínesiti pínesin |
píntot |
Pf. | pibya pibyas pibi pibyame pibyate pibyan |
pibóya pibóyas pibóye pibóyame pibóyate pibóyan |
Plpf. | pibisa pibisas pibise pibisame pibisate pibisan |
pibóyesa pibóyesas pibóyese pibóyesame pibóyesate pibóyesan |
FPf. | písya písyas písi písyame písyate písyan |
Gerunds | póyondo, písyondo, pílyo, pótesyondo, pótesyondo, pótu | ||
Participles | póyonti, písyonti, póyvo, póyonno, písyonno, póto |